Programs for Nonprofits and Other Organizations
Bring Creative Writing to your Organization!
Modern life is full of things you can’t say. Emotions you can’t express. Stories you wish you could tell. Creative writing can help.
Write Around Portland has been facilitating creative writing programs in underserved communities since 1999. And we’ve seen growth, transformations, and change in everyone from middle school students to senior citizens.
Writing truly has the ability to change lives, and we’d love to partner with you to bring creative writing to your agency!

our Programs for Nonprofits
Our programs are designed to show participants that they are already writers. That their stories are worthwhile not just for their content but how they’re told.
The goal is to give participants a lifelong tool they can use for healing and processing. We believe writing can be fun, social, and beneficial, and we work hard to distinguish our program from others that depict writing as academic, lonely, and only for publication, judgment, or profit.
Why Creative Writing?
A study in the American Journal of Public Health observed in 2010 that people who regularly wrote exhibited “statistically significant improvements” in memory, stress levels, immune function, blood pressure, and social behavior.
Over the years, we’ve also found that participants in our workshops:
- Develop new friendships and feel less lonely
- Become more confident in their writing and interpersonal skills
- Find positive ways to work in groups
- Feel a sense of pride at seeing their name in print
- Feel a sense of relief at telling their story
Learn more about the research behind creative writing and its healing effects.
“Before joining [the program], I was depressed and stayed home most of the time with no outlet or connection out in the real world and no outlet for my emotions, be they happiness or pain. Writing has changed my life in so many ways. I’ve learned to trust people and write feelings, to laugh and have fun. My facilitator and fellow writers gave me great encouragement. I was even afraid to ride the MAX before this, and now I ride the MAX alone and look forward to every day of my life. I want to write forever. Here no one puts me down for my mistakes and poor reading skills because of my dyslexia.”
Leah, Former Participant
Our Curriculum
In our program, we work to dismantle the distinction between “facilitator” and “participant” and avoid the traditional dynamics between “teacher” and “student.” When participants feel that it is their group instead of the facilitator’s, they have more of a personal investment in making sure that the session goes well and they are often much more engaged in all facets of the program.
Inductive Learning
Inductive learning encourages looking at writing as a process in which each step might yield exciting discoveries. It also means that everyone in the room might come up with their own definition of what makes an effective image, for example. This is the sort of intellectual, creative and respectful atmosphere that Write Around Portland strives to create, in which everyone is an expert and everyone is a writer.

“Feedback from patients has been wonderful. [Writing] is a way of processing what occurs emotionally during one’s cancer journey versus the more commonly offered support groups. I believe we need to offer our patients multiple ways of healing.”
– Diane, Providence Health & Services
Organizations We’ve Partnered With
Since 1999, Write Around Portland has partnered with hundreds of nonprofits, hospitals, prisons, schools, and other agencies to provide therapeutic creative writing workshops. Here is a sampling from the last five years:
Ready to Get Started?
Read more about Writing Groups, Writing Circles, or Workplace Roundtables to determine the right program for your organization.