Last fall, we partnered for the first time with All Good Northwest. They operate five low-barrier shelter programs in the Portland metro area.
One of those shelter programs is Multnomah Safe Rest Village (MSRV) – a cluster of thirty tiny homes designed as temporary housing solutions. Participants in the shelter program have access to holistic wrap-around services including case management, behavioral health, and housing navigation assistance. Many complete the program and move into more permanent housing.

When MSRV contacted us about a partnership, we were excited to work with an organization serving our unhoused community members in this village model setting. We worked with staff to customize our writing workshop program to outdoor conditions.
When thinking about writing together outdoors, we first thought about participant comfort. A covered and heated outdoor space within the village met this need – it’s like a community room minus the walls! As the workshop progressed throughout the fall, our facilitator and workshop participants contended with the sun setting sooner and varying weather conditions.
But it worked.
“I witnessed the workshop drawing out even some of the shy participants on site and have both seen and felt tremendous growth in everyone who participated,” said Ramona Shober, Behavioral Health Specialist at Multnomah Safe Rest Village.
All Good Multnomahs mission is to transform lives through addressing houselessness. Their program centers around six keys to resiliency: stress tolerance, connection, health, meaning, efficacy, and belonging.
Since our program decreases stress, improves mental health, and promotes connection and belonging, it makes sense that the partnership was a great fit for all!